Don’t let fights over money steal your marriage… FIGHT FOR YOUR MARRIAGE instead!
The difference in your marriage today and your marriage a year from now is the action you take with this masterclass. You deserve to get a PhD in creating synergy with your spouse about money!
SYNERGY — A small word that brings maximum impact. When you have financial synergy with your spouse, your marriage is transformed into a POWERHOUSE unit of love, respect and mutual appreciation. When you have synergy, you shift from arguments to financial action, from frustration to financial freedom, and from confusion to financial cohesiveness. Learn to fight for your marriage and get the SYNERGY you deserve!
In this masterclass, you will learn the FOXY framework. These are the tools we used to take action in our marriage. We learned to control our money instead of it controlling us. And now, you will use them too! You will learn how to build and execute a financial system that is PERFECT for you and your spouse.
FREE! It’s a word that is overused but not overrated. And believe us. You WANT this freedom. Freedom to trust your spouse again. Freedom to share your heart and dreams. Freedom to work together on your finances and know your voice will be heard. Yes…financial freedom in marriage is ALL these things.
There is nothing more beautiful than a couple who is in sync with each other AND their money! They know how to STICK TOGETHER. This masterclass is more than just Zoom calls. It is an interactive process designed to get you and your spouse talking about money and everything else! You will leave infused with hope, excited about your future and armed with the financial knowledge to handle any storm.

Who Is This For?
In this masterclass you and your spouse will learn how to:
Discuss money issues without it turning into a fight;
Communicate with each other without anger and resentment;
Rekindle the ROMANCE with words first and divorce-proof your marriage;
Get and stay on the same page about money;
Discover the FOXY framework to build a HEALTHY and WEALTHY marriage.
Are you ready to fight for your marriage?
Which Couples Benefit The Most
Couples Discussing Divorce
TAKE THIS MASTERCLASS BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE. Divorce is tough on everyone. Give your marriage another chance. ONE piece of new information can make all the difference. Don’t give up. Your marriage is worth fighting for.
Couples Experiencing Financial Infidelity
It’s embarrassing. It’s frustrating. Many say it’s worse than physical infidelity. It is real and we are all too familiar with it. At the heart of financial infidelity is a lack of trust. We teach you how to rebuild trust through the lens of your finances. There is hope.
Couples in a Money Crisis
We get it. We’ve been there. We spent the first two years of our marriage in a full-on money crisis. But we got through it. In the Fight For Your Marriage masterclass, we will use the FOXY framework to get you through your current money crisis, AND prevent any future money crisis from overtaking you and your spouse.
Remarried (Blended) Couples (Blended Family Budget)
So many of our money struggles revolved around being a blended family. Fortunately, we chose to dig in and figure it out. And now, we are poised to teach you what we learned. Fight For Your Marriage will give you the tools you need to remove the money stress of being a blended family. There is a special module just for blended families.

Beat the Odds
Divorce rates increased by 34% in 2020.
Feeling that one’s spouse spent money foolishly increased the likelihood of divorce 45 percent for both men and women.
Couples that argue about finances at least once a week are 30% more likely to get divorced.
45% of couples choosing divorce have children under 18.
Meet the Jones’s
We are Keith and Lisa Jones. We got married in 2012 and have been fighting ever since. We don't fight each other, though. We fight with our backs to each other. We fight to protect our marriage from ALL unhealthy influences, including our own selfish nature.
We mentor married couples who constantly argue about money learn to communicate with each other so they can know how to fight with their backs to each other, communicate to avoid crisis, and not be bound by debt.
We Had To Learn To Communicate...
The first five years of our marriage were spent paying off $300,000 in debt. We HAD to learn to communicate in order to get through it.
We are a blended family. We HAD to learn to communicate in order to make it work.
We were 43 when we got married and were set in our ways. We HAD to learn to communicate in order to find harmony.
We moved to a new city 8 months before we got married. We HAD to learn to communicate because we literally knew no one else.
As Dave Ramsey Certified Financial Coaches, we have coached our fair share of couples. For most of the couples we coached, their money problems were really communication problems. Which led us to gain a certification as marriage coaches.
We are certified through Emerson Eggerichs’ Love and Respect Institute, in partnership with Dare To Be Different.
This Masterclass is equivalent to a PhD program in communicating with your spouse about money.

Multiple Payment Option
3 payments of $437 (billed monthly)
7 Module Online Course (content dripped out every other week)
Access to Fight For Your Marriage Resource page
Access to monthly accountability sessions (and replays)
Comprehensive Online Marriage Assessment ($297 value)
Remembrance Print Song of Solomon 2:15
Ebook version of #1 Best Selling Devotional Financial Seasons
Pay in Full
7 Module Online Course (content dripped out weekly)
Access to Fight For Your Marriage Resource page
Access to monthly accountability sessions (and replays)
Comprehensive Online Marriage Assessment ($297 value)
Remembrance Print Song of Solomon 2:15
Ebook version of #1 Best Selling Devotional Financial Seasons
Course Add Ons
Blended Family Budget Module
1-hr Coaching Session
Comprehensive Online Marriage Assessment
NOTE: The comprehensive online marriage assessment can be purchased at a later time for $297.
For Spouses Who Wish To Enroll Individually
Multiple Payment Option
3 payments of $277 (billed monthly)
7 Module Online Course (content dripped out every other week)
Access to Fight For Your Marriage Resource page
Access to monthly accountability sessions (and replays)
Remembrance Print Song of Solomon 2:15
Ebook version of #1 Best Selling Devotional Financial Seasons
Pay in Full
7 Module Online Course (content dripped out weekly)
Access to Fight For Your Marriage Resource page
Access to monthly accountability sessions (and replays)
Remembrance Print Song of Solomon 2:15
Ebook version of #1 Best Selling Devotional Financial Seasons
Course Add Ons
Blended Family Budget Module
1-hr Coaching Session
Comprehensive Online Marriage Assessment
NOTE: The comprehensive online marriage assessment can be purchased at a later time for $297.

The Curriculum
This Masterclass includes almost 30 hours of video instruction. That is less than $34 an hour.
Fight For Your Marriage - Let’s Get Started: Meet Keith and Lisa Jones. They will share their story, including how they learned to fight for their marriage and why they are passionate about teaching you how to fight for yours. The module includes a course overview, an introduction to the FOXY framework, a breakdown of key biblical principles associated with maintaining a strong and successful marriage, and a discussion on the 7 fights couples have repeatedly.
Something To Talk About - Tools for Effective Communication: Strong communication is the foundation for a healthy marriage. Keith and Lisa will walk you through many of the tools they use in their own marriage and teach their coaching clients to use. You and your spouse will take a communication assessment. Keith and Lisa will walk you through how to interpret it and use it to bring healing to the areas of contention in your marriage.
Marital Money 101 - Let’s Get Back to Basics: Let’s face it. Money is one of the biggest issues couples face in their marriages. Keith and Lisa will discuss some key steps you and your spouse will use to bring healing to this area of your marriage. The “execution” portion of the FOXY framework will be discussed at length. You will learn practical steps to create the perfect financial framework for your marriage.
Budget Session Breakdown - Understanding How to Talk to Each Other About Money: Keith and Lisa will show you how to have “the talk.” They will role play a monthly budget discussion that will become the cornerstone of your marital money. They will introduce you to money management tools that will help you and your spouse keep up with your money, plan how to use it and begin to get solid financial traction.
Financial Infidelity - The Truth About Cheating: This module is for grown-ups! Keith and Lisa will lead you and your spouse through this tough discussion with compassion and grace. They will help you both understand financial infidelity, help you create a way out and lay a foundation of transparency and trust.
The Keys to Building A Financial Legacy - Get Out of Debt & Build Wealth: It has been said that when you “fail to plan, you plan to fail.” It IS possible to get out of debt, stay out of debt and build wealth. A game plan is the missing piece for most. Keith and Lisa will help you create a customized game plan for each financial area of your life.
The Anatomy of A Dream Date - Protect It At All Costs: If Keith and Lisa have learned nothing else, it is the importance of having and protecting the Dream Date. They will share the definition, their own personal experiences, and why it is a crucial part of maintaining a healthy relationship with your spouse. They will even give you ideas to spice up your couple time. A great way to end the masterclass and receive a PhD degree in your spouse!
Areas of Focus Include:
Conflict Resolution
Friends and Hobbies
Family and In-laws
Faith and Values
Compatibility and Personality
Sex and Romance
Special emphasis available for:
Premarital couples
Remarried couples

Frequently Asked Questions
Can't we just get one or two coaching calls instead of 7 modules?
There is a reason this program is called “a PhD program in communicating with your spouse about money.” It is not designed to be a sprinkling of information. It is designed to go deep. Our framework works best for those who are ready to commit to a change in their marriage and financial situation.
Can I take this masterclass without my spouse?
Yes. This course is best taken with your spouse, but we recognize that both of you may not be ready at the same time. Creating and maintaining a healthy marriage can begin with you. Many times, the changes that you make will so drastically impact your spouse that they become open to working with you. As a result, we created a slightly scaled down version of the course for those who want to go through without their spouse.
Is this in-person or online?
This is a self-paced Masterclass. You will receive an email which will contain all of the content for that module. Your payment method will determine how often you receive new module content. The Masterclass is designed for you to stay in each module as long as you need to! Don’t rush. Re-watch the videos as often as you need to.
What kind of time commitment does this require?
You get out of it what you put into it. There are 7 modules (8 modules if you are a blended family). Each module has several hours of video content, homework and resources. We recommend watching EVERY video, doing ALL homework, and reviewing ALL resources. This is called a PhD program for a reason!
What if it doesn’t work?
We are already praying for you. And the fact that you are asking this question means you are ready to work on healing your marriage. We cannot guarantee results. What we can guarantee is that it is possible to have a HEALTHY and WEALTHY marriage. If you are ready to work on your relationship, we will meet you there and give our best to help you get to a place of healing.
Do you have a refund policy?
We do not offer a refund. Think of this course as a guided tour of your marriage. You are in the driver’s seat. When you are actively engaged in the Masterclass, you will see results. Remember that it took time to get to your current situation. It will also take time to change it. Be patient, show yourself (and your spouse) some grace and keep working!

Are you ready to fight for your marriage?
For Couples Who Wish To Enroll Together
Multiple Payment Option
3 payments of $437 (billed monthly)
7 Module Online Course (content dripped out once monthly)
Access to Fight For Your Marriage Resource page
Access to monthly accountability sessions (and replays)
Comprehensive Online Marriage Assessment ($297 value)
Remembrance Print Song of Solomon 2:15
Ebook version of #1 Best Selling Devotional Financial Seasons
Pay in Full
7 Module Online Course (content dripped out every other week)
Access to Fight For Your Marriage Resource page
Access to monthly accountability sessions (and replays)
Comprehensive Online Marriage Assessment ($297 value)
Remembrance Print Song of Solomon 2:15
Ebook version of #1 Best Selling Devotional Financial Seasons
Course Add Ons
Blended Family Budget Module
1-hr Coaching Session
Comprehensive Online Marriage Assessment
For Spouses Who Wish To Enroll Individually
Multiple Payment Option
3 payments of $277 (billed monthly)
7 Module Online Course (content dripped out once monthly)
Access to Fight For Your Marriage Resource page
Access to monthly accountability sessions (and replays)
Remembrance Print Song of Solomon 2:15
Ebook version of #1 Best Selling Devotional Financial Seasons
Pay in Full
7 Module Online Course (content dripped out every other week)
Access to Fight For Your Marriage Resource page
Access to monthly accountability sessions (and replays)
Remembrance Print Song of Solomon 2:15
Ebook version of #1 Best Selling Devotional Financial Seasons
Course Add Ons
Blended Family Budget Module
1-hr Coaching Session
Comprehensive Online Marriage Assessment
NOTE: The comprehensive online marriage assessment can be purchased at a later time for $297.
Fight For Your Marriage | Terms & Conditions